Our children’s program at Calvary is designed to teach young children to love God and His Word. It is our desire to minister to young families by providing excellent care for their infants and toddlers in our beautiful and well-staffed nursery.
For children ages 3 - 5, we provide age appropriate Sunday School classes during the 11:00 a.m. service.
Kids Class for ages 3 - 5 meets at 9:45 a.m. We use the Gospel Story curriculum which teaches our children to memorize the Bible, play together as a team, and apply what they have learned to their own lives.
Our teen program at Calvary emphasizes not only a love for God, but the importance of having a lifelong relationship with Him. We encourage teens to know God by providing excellent teaching during the Morning Worship service on the First Sunday of each month.
Teens at Calvary are encouraged to serve others in the local church as helpers, nursery workers, ushers, or sound booth attendants. We desire our teens to participate in special music using their voices and instruments to the glory of God.
Your teens are welcome at any of our services and activities.
Our adult ministries at Calvary are intended to encourage continued growth and discipleship in the life of every believer and together as a church family. We want every adult to be growing in their own personal knowledge of God and experience with God and to be relating these experiences with the church family. Our goal is to have each adult connecting in church, LIFE Groups, and serving in outreach ministries, putting into practice what God is teaching them.
Our Spanish ministry is a vital way we introduce Christ to our community. With a Spanish service, Bible Study, and Discipleship classes we invite our Spanish speaking neighbors to learn more about the Good News
of Jesus Christ.
Calvary is a multi-cultural church. Our Spanish ministry is not a separate church, but a ministry of Calvary. Those who attend the Spanish services are invited to worship with us during our main Sunday service.
We believe that our responsibility to the Great Commission involves sharing the gospel locally and globally. Worldwide evangelism is the very core of this biblical mandate given to us as a church.
We partner with individuals around the world who desire to share the gospel in culturally relevant ways with the goal of discipling individuals and growing biblical, indigenous churches that
reflect and affect the new
believer’s community.
San Francisco Christian School was founded to provide a Christian alternative to the humanistic education offered in other schools.
All subjects are taught from a biblical worldview encouraging a personal relationship with Jesus Christ, a life led by the Holy Spirit, and obedience and surrender to the Word and will of God.
SF Christian School stresses wholesome Christian living, personal salvation through Jesus Christ, obedience to the Word and will of God, and using our talents and gifts for the glory of God.